
Showing posts from 2011

When the guy in a shack has more than you.

As Devak grew in Christ, his character improved - and his parents took notice. His obedience brought peace to their home, which softened their hearts toward Christ. GFA Latest Slideshows I wonder, with all these teachings, Bible versions, websites, blogs, streaming, books, etc. Why is peace lacking in my home so many times? (More often than I would like to admit.) I have been told by the Holy Spirit this is because of hardness of heart. That is the key, Jesus rebuked his disciples often because of that condition, which prevents you from believing, loving and obeying. When Christ comes back many will be very surprised at whom has the most rewards. I might not, because reading it, preaching it, even writing about it, is not living it .

Life before Roe.

Steve Jobs as a boy · As I read this article about Steve Jobs being adopted, I marveled at the hope that adoption brings. His mother gave birth to him in California, where he was later adopted and raised by a father who was a a machinist for a firm that made lasers, a "genius with his hands" (Job's description). The point is this: he was born pre-legal abortion era, I wonder, would he had been aborted had his mother conceived him after abortion was legalized? I know, she could still had an abortion then, in "some back alley" but didn't, but the legalization, social acceptance, the easiness of it all could have made a very real option. Is to our peril that 50 million babies are aborted in the US alone, we may have lost biologist who could have found the cure for cancer, the greatest musical genius, an innovative inventor, a loving child or the next Steve Jobs.

Free Book: Living in the Light of Eternity.

By K.P. Yohannan ( It is as if the first-century believers were living in the midst of a whirlwind. Wherever they went they caused some kind of commotion or turmoil or trouble—simply because they lived what they believed. Go to Gospel for Asia to download.


wolf in sheeps clothing · By ---=.O.=--- n777jc ---=.O.=--- · Also people are deceived by these teachings because they have elevated men to positions where their words become the very word of God. No longer is it only the domain of the Pope to claim infallibility, but every second preacher and author faithfully follow in the footsteps of the very Pope they despise by claiming to speak contrary to Scripture. (ONLY SCRIPTURE-3, Apprising Ministries) I have always respected my MIL as a 74 yrs. old godly Christian woman, who had been misguided by money-hungry, fame-seeking pastors and their prophetic visitors, but I hit the roof and anger was fired up when one of our last discussions went like this: MIL: Is wrong to mention names, you know, it's judging God's holy anointed... Me: Well Paul mentioned names in the Bible. MIL: Paul should have never have done that, he was wrong ... ME: Do you mean to tell me that Paul, the apostle of God, who wrote most of the new test...

persecution in america

I don't know how long its been, I didn't want to see it at first. But after reading " Purpose Driven Resisters - Must Leave or Die " , I finally admitted the truth: religious persecution is alive and just getting stronger in America, I could go onto a long list of times when we have been persecuted by leaders of "churches", "Christians" and my own family, but instead I will leave you with this scripture and these questions: But the cowardly* , unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. Revelation 21:8 This is from the lexicon at Will you deny the truth or will you join the remnant of God who are waiting for His return? Will you be ready, or will you be led astray, because you love the praise of man more than the praise of God?

dying in the desert

Approaching Death Valley · by Simon Cristen · Why is the LORD bringing us to this land only to let us fall by the sword? Our wives and children will be taken as plunder. Wouldn’t it be better for us to go back to Egypt? Numbers 14:3 We would all like to think that we belong that brave Joshua and Caleb company, ever faithful and strong, but how many times have we complained and acted out from unbelief, most of us, or more than 80% if we go by the book of Numbers account would die in the dry, hot and thirsty desert of unbelief. For we as the children of Israel, go from blessing to unbelief and complaining, never arriving at a place of the true Fear of The Lord and of the blessing of faith, based on the true power of God. Only "believing" when a sign and a wonder are given, for an evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, instead of seeking after the cross and resurrection, for this is one of the reasons why deceiving spirits are leading the fold...

mustard tree

Then He said, “What is the kingdom of God like? And to what shall I compare it? It is like a mustard seed, which a man took and put in his garden; and it grew and became a large tree, and the birds of the air nested in its branches.” Luke 13:8-19 What is missed by almost everyone is that a mustard plant is shrub, a flowering plant, it does not grow naturally into a tree, the point that Jesus was making that something that should be a certain size, has grown into a grotesque aberration. This overgrowth problem causes the plant to be in danger of pests and disease and will make it produce less fruit. As the great falling away continues, with the day growing to an end, and darkness abounding, the true fire of The Holy Spirit of God which have been replaced in most churches by an unholy fire a strange fire, making them grow cold and fruitless (of true fruit that is), we will see a clearer separation of the true Church of Christ and the false. Demons making themselves a home in the c...

the fatal flaw of the prophetic movement

Tree of Good and Evil · By ihave3kids · Flickr I enjoyed the prophetic movement for many years, almost a decade. But Satan and its minions have infiltrated what had begun as a move of the Spirit. Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.1 John 1:4 That scripture is in a nutshell what has made it so wrong, an inability or resistance to check everything against the word of God. I know this first hand, some warning signs had been there, but how can something that feels so good be bad? I had noticed some unscriptural teachings, but still carried on, what made me take a second look was a close relative. A few years ago we had a prayer meeting, and she came with a stuffed animal, a monkey, on her back. When questioned about it she proclaimed that God had told her to put it on. I did not know this at the time, but for many, having a monkey on your back is to have a demon. Dicti...

QR: the mark of the beast?

For the longest time I had wondered if the mark of the beast was the VeriChip , but today I came to realize that I had been wrong. The QR (Quick Response) code is the most likely candidate, why I say this?: Because is cheap, just the cost of the tattoo ($40-60), versus the VeriChip (which can cost ten times as much). Any tattoo artist in any country can insert it without any special training. Is easy to use, no special equipment to use to scan it, just an iPhon3 and a free App and you are in business. It's easily visible, so you can keep a check of whom is in the system versus whom is not. It's scriptural: He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark * on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark* or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Revelation 13: 17-18 *From the Greek charagma: a stamp, an imprinted mark Also, this generation loves tattoos: Thirty-s...