wolf in sheeps clothing · By ---=.O.=--- n777jc ---=.O.=--- ·

Also people are deceived by these teachings because they have elevated men to positions where their words become the very word of God. No longer is it only the domain of the Pope to claim infallibility, but every second preacher and author faithfully follow in the footsteps of the very Pope they despise by claiming to speak contrary to Scripture.
(ONLY SCRIPTURE-3, Apprising Ministries)
I have always respected my MIL as a 74 yrs. old godly Christian woman, who had been misguided by money-hungry, fame-seeking pastors and their prophetic visitors, but I hit the roof and anger was fired up when one of our last discussions went like this:

MIL: Is wrong to mention names, you know, it's judging God's holy anointed...
Me: Well Paul mentioned names in the Bible.
MIL: Paul should have never have done that, he was wrong...
ME: Do you mean to tell me that Paul, the apostle of God, who wrote most of the new testament, inspired by the Holy Spirit is wrong and your pastor is RIGHT?!!!!!!!

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