I have been making flags for worship for several years and I decided to write about how to make flags for worship. The simplest way to make a flag for worship. You will need: Fabric (preferably light and airy) any length Scissors Wooden rod ¾” in diameter (I have found out is the best size) Hot glue Sewing machine with thread matching the color of your fabric Sharpie or permanent marker (optional) Cut the flag to the desired size and sew around the edges, making sure that you pass through the corners several times so they don’t unravel. Sew a “pocket” on one edge about 1 1/2” wide; fold one of the edges of you flag and sew it to make a pocket, by making sure that you close one of the top ends also. Insert the rod in the pocket; glue the end with enough hot glue so the flag doesn't go anywhere. You are done! I like to use the “pocket” method of attachment because in case the rod breaks is a lot easier to unglue a little portion of the fabric than the whole thing, plus some fabrics...
For the longest time I had wondered if the mark of the beast was the VeriChip , but today I came to realize that I had been wrong. The QR (Quick Response) code is the most likely candidate, why I say this?: Because is cheap, just the cost of the tattoo ($40-60), versus the VeriChip (which can cost ten times as much). Any tattoo artist in any country can insert it without any special training. Is easy to use, no special equipment to use to scan it, just an iPhon3 and a free App and you are in business. It's easily visible, so you can keep a check of whom is in the system versus whom is not. It's scriptural: He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark * on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark* or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Revelation 13: 17-18 *From the Greek charagma: a stamp, an imprinted mark Also, this generation loves tattoos: Thirty-s...
From the book of Song of Solomon comes this teaching by Rev. Tommy Nelson. It was aired on James Dobson's radio program, you will laugh, cry and will be taught about a subject that God cares deeply about, for there's a whole book in the Bible about it. Biblical Romance: The Design for Intimacy 1 aired on (November 2, 2017) Biblical Intimacy: Sharing Body and Soul 2 (aired on November 2, 2017)