
Showing posts from November, 2007


“ T hose who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.” Jesus Christ, Mark 2:17 We have come to love "First Friday" (FF), you can never expect it to be the same, sometimes is very peaceful (as peaceful as a FF can be), sometimes is chaotic, this FF was the former. With a mixture of groups like lesbians, homosexuals, atheists, polite and not so polite, satanists, goths, agnostics, hippies and punks, sometimes with one group more predominant throughout the night, which makes it the most varied place to ever witness, is rough, and you need to be prayed up, and trust that God will give the words to speak, for believe they will challenge you. This last FF while we were praying I saw the Jesus Flag raised upon the gateway of the place. When we got there our company got delayed for about 30min, so Alex , Valerie and I were standing at what the Lord had previously showed us was the gate to the ...